Friday, 30 November 2018

My visual description

This week in class we had to draw the image we saw from a piece of writing. We were learning to write to describe. 

Here is my learning:

My head is a medium sized circle. There is a little circle in my head to the left. For my beak there is a small triangle to the left of my head. My body is a half circle that is bigger than my head. At the back of my body I have a wave shaped tail with the point up. Like a half crescent moon.

Can you draw and guess what animal is ?

Friday, 23 November 2018

My school journal

Last week we made school journals it was fun.

 Here is my learning:

Can you answer the questions for what makes a fish a fish ?.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Athletics day

Yesterday we had Athletics day at the lovelock trak, we did lots of exiting activaties like:
  • 800 meters
  • 400 meters
  • 100 meters
  • High Jump
  • Long Jump
  • Shot put
  • Discus
Our school had been practicing for athletics day so we were all really good at the activaties. 
Ireally enjoyed it and hope we can do the same thing at intermidiate.